Sunday 9 October 2011

Guinea Pig Claws and Dancing Bears

Sorry about the lack of posting over the last few days. It's been pretty hectic over the last 3 days and it's been hard to find the time/Internet connection to be able to post. We've safely arrived in Chile and everyone is loving the increased amount of Oxygen back here on sea level.

October the 7th
This was our last day in Cusco. Firstly, and most importantly, PERU WON THE SOCCER! We also went out to dinner and many of us had the privilege to try ridiculously small portions of Guinea Pig. However our day was primarily spent learning everything there is to know about the ancient Incas and the Spanish colonists. We went to Saqsaywaman, Qorinkancha, a Cathedral, a Monastery and several Incan temples/ruins.
Sadly the day was filled with Cusco's crazily changing weather which mostly consisted of rain. However we were well equipped with colourful disposable plastic ponchos (which made us look awesome). As excellent as our tour guide was I think that most of us did struggle to listen to him for the entire day and were pretty happy to have the afternoon off to do some shopping and buy presents for everyone at home.
As mentioned above we went out for the night to try the local delicacies and to watch Peru smash Paraguay 2-0 from the comfort of a local restaurant. Darry and I had a great time cheering for Peru in our newly bought soccer jerseys.

October the 9th
The 9th was made up of a surprise (for us) parade in Cusco, flying from Cusco to Lima and from Lima to Santiago. The parade was pretty amazing, we found out it was an annual parade we were just lucky enough to experience. James and the girls also had a lot of fun on the plane using the finger puppets they bought in Cusco to order drinks and dancing to the in-flight music.
We arrived fairly late in Santiago and the Salvation Army people we are staying with, were there with several buses waiting to take us to our new home for the next week.
We are staying here in the Salvation Army training base which has been awesome. Everyone is so friendly and keen to help us however they can.

October the 10th (Today!)
As it was Sunday today we went to the Salvation Army church to run their Sunday school. Once we arrived there we found out that they had also planned on one of our team members giving their testimony to the main congregation. Susanna stepped up to the plate and with the help of a translator and I was told she did a fantastic job.
Sunday school also went really well with all the kids being really excited about having Australians come to visit them and we all had a great time singing and dancing, while barely understanding anything they were talking about. Fortunately there is a couple from America working with the Salvation Army here who have been able to translate for us and have been keen to show us around the local area. They have been so nice to us showing us around and teaching us about the unique culture here in Santiago.

Everyone is doing really well health wise and seem to be having a great time. Sorry again that's it's been a while since the last post and hopefully you'll hear from us again tomorrow!


"Pigs are red"
"I love transport"
"Aren't typhoid and yellow fever the same thing?"
"Is that a fire hose?"
"I used to be one of those fish with legs... but now I'm at the furry rat stage of christian evolution"

For parents and friends, we'd love it if you'd like to guess who made each quote in the comments

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